HTML Hot Tip: Using Color Names

It is not widely known that you can use color names in any color specification in your web pages instead of the arcane hexadecimal color codes. This is documented as a feature of Internet Explorer and is supported but not documented by Netscape.

Using color names is easy: instead of saying #ff0000, just say red. For example, to make your document background blue, use this <body> tag:

     <body bgcolor=blue>
The final piece of this puzzle is knowing which color names are supported by the various browsers. Internet Explorer supports sixteen colors:

XXXX aqua XXXX gray XXXX navy XXXX silver
XXXX black XXXX green XXXX olive XXXX teal
XXXX blue XXXX lime XXXX purple XXXX yellow
XXXX fuchsia XXXX maroon XXXX red XXXX white

Netscape supports these colors, too. A quick check of the color sample next to each name should let you know if you browser can handle them as well.

Netscape also supports the hundreds of colors defined in the X Window color database. Unfortunately, not all of these colors are displayed correctly because the Netscape color map does not have entries corresponding to each of the colors. As a result, many of the colors are mapped to the nearest color in the map, resulting in some weird colors.

In any case, here are the supported Netscape colors with samples. Before choosing a color, make sure it displays correctly across several browsers, or you may get unexpected ugly pages!

XXXX aliceblue XXXX goldenrod XXXX navy
XXXX antiquewhite XXXX gray XXXX navyblue
XXXX aquamarine XXXX green XXXX oldlace
XXXX azure XXXX greenyellow XXXX olivedrab
XXXX beige XXXX honeydew XXXX orange
XXXX bisque XXXX hotpink XXXX orangered
XXXX black XXXX indianred XXXX orchid
XXXX blanchedalmond XXXX ivory XXXX palegoldenrod
XXXX blue XXXX khaki XXXX palegreen
XXXX blueviolet XXXX lavender XXXX paleturquoise
XXXX brown XXXX lavenderblush XXXX palevioletred
XXXX burlywood XXXX lawngreen XXXX papayawhip
XXXX cadetblue XXXX lemonchiffon XXXX peachpuff
XXXX chartreuse XXXX lightblue XXXX peru
XXXX chocolate XXXX lightcoral XXXX pink
XXXX coral XXXX lightcyan XXXX plum
XXXX cornflowerblue XXXX lightgoldenrod XXXX powderblue
XXXX cornsilk XXXX lightgoldenrodyellow XXXX purple
XXXX cyan XXXX lightgray XXXX red
XXXX darkblue XXXX lightgreen XXXX rosybrown
XXXX darkcyan XXXX lightpink XXXX royalblue
XXXX darkgoldenrod XXXX lightsalmon XXXX saddlebrown
XXXX darkgray XXXX lightseagreen XXXX salmon
XXXX darkgreen XXXX lightskyblue XXXX sandybrown
XXXX darkkhaki XXXX lightslateblue XXXX seagreen
XXXX darkmagenta XXXX lightslategray XXXX seashell
XXXX darkolivegreen XXXX lightsteelblue XXXX sienna
XXXX darkorange XXXX lightyellow XXXX skyblue
XXXX darkorchid XXXX limegreen XXXX slateblue
XXXX darkred XXXX linen XXXX slategray
XXXX darksalmon XXXX magenta XXXX snow
XXXX darkseagreen XXXX maroon XXXX springgreen
XXXX darkslateblue XXXX mediumaquamarine XXXX steelblue
XXXX darkslategray XXXX mediumblue XXXX tan
XXXX darkturquoise XXXX mediumorchid XXXX thistle
XXXX darkviolet XXXX mediumpurple XXXX tomato
XXXX deeppink XXXX mediumseagreen XXXX turquoise
XXXX deepskyblue XXXX mediumslateblue XXXX violet
XXXX dimgray XXXX mediumspringgreen XXXX violetred
XXXX dodgerblue XXXX mediumturquoise XXXX wheat
XXXX firebrick XXXX mediumvioletred XXXX white
XXXX floralwhite XXXX midnightblue XXXX whitesmoke
XXXX forestgreen XXXX mintcream XXXX yellow
XXXX gainsboro XXXX mistyrose XXXX yellowgreen
XXXX ghostwhite XXXX moccasin
XXXX gold XXXX navajowhite